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COFCO's Tomato Industry Settled down in Inner Mongolia Release Time : 2012-03-20

On August 22, COFCO Tunhe (Inner Mongolia) Tomato Project was completed and put into operation. Thus far, COFCO has established six tomato processing enterprises in the Hetao Region of Inner Mongolia with a total daily processing capacity of 11,000 tons and an annual tomato paste production capacity of 80,000 tons. The project's triangular "company, bases, farmers" model covers over 100,000 farmers, whose average annual income will be increased by RMB3,000 to 4,000. In the next five years, COFCO plans to increase the production capacity of Inner Mongolia's tomato industry to 200,000 tons.

Rich in natural resources, Inner Mongolia boasts an ideal locations and possesses certain advantages over Xinjiang in the quality and price of its raw materials, as well as transportation facilities. In view of this, COFCO Xinjiang Tunhe Co., Ltd. has decided to speed up its shift of focus from Xinjiang to Inner Mongolia, thus easing the pressure on raw materials in Xinjiang and increasing its competitiveness in the industry.

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