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The National Fuel Industry Standardization Committee for Biological Liquid Fuel Processing and Conversion seated Its Secretar Release Time : 2012-04-06

The National Energy Administration issued the approval on establishing the National Fuel Industry Standardization Committee for Biological Liquid Fuel Processing and Conversion. Its Secretariat is seated at COFCO Corporation. COFCO Corporation set up the National Energy Biological Fuel R&D (Experiment) Center to take on the role of the Secretariat. Mr. Yue Guojun, Assistant President of COFCO Corporation and General Manager of Biological Chemicals and Energy Division, is the Chairman of the Secretariat. Mr. Li Bei, Standing Deputy General Manager, is the General Secretary of the Secretariat.

The Committee is responsible for developing the standardization system for infrastructure construction, raw material transportation, processing, conversion, clean production and energy consumption of biological liquid fuel. COFCO Corporation is responsible for handling daily routine administration and guiding making proposals and reports.

The establishment of this Committee indicates a higher level China reached in energy science and technology innovation and a faster pace of the energy development pattern transformation. The role of COFCO Corporation indicates its importance in the biological liquid fuel field of the country and its mission as a state-owned enterprise in terms of such a national strategic new industry.

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