COFCO Chairman Frank Ning Appointed as Member of Expert Committee of the “13th Five-Year” National Development Plan - 龙8头号玩家 - 人生就是搏!


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COFCO Chairman Frank Ning Appointed as Member of Expert Committee of the “13th Five-Year” National Development Plan Release Time : 2015-04-21

Recently, the official website of National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) released the list of members of expert committee of the “13th Five-Year” National Development Plan. COFCO chairman Frank Ning was appointed as member of expert committee.

As the last year of the “12th Five-Year” plan, 2015 also witnesses the start of drafting the “13th Five-Year” plan for the period from 2016 to 2020, which will a critical phase for China to comprehensively build a moderately prosperous society and deepen reform. The expert committee of the “13th Five-Year” National Development Plan is an advisory body for China to formulate and implement the “13th Five-Year” plan. Its members are selected and appointed by National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).

Over fifty members of the expert committee are from government agencies, prestigious think-tanks, universities and enterprises respectively. The committee chairman is Mr. Wang Chunzheng, former office director of the Central Finance and Economic Working Group and former deputy director of National Development and Reform Commission. The vice chairman of the Committee is the renowned economist Lin Yifu. Mr. Du Ping, secretary of the Party Committee and deputy director of the State Information Center, serves as secretary-general of the expert committee. Members of the committee include Mr. Bai Chunli, president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Mr. Pan Yunhe, vice-president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Mr. Li Peilin and Mr. Cai Fang, both of whom are vice-presidents of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Mr. Liu Shijin, vice minister of the Development Research Center of the State Council, economists Qian Yingyi, Zhou Qiren, Fan Gang, Yu Yongding, Ba Shusong, Chen Dongqi, and Chi Fulin, agricultural expert Han Jun, finance and tax expert Jia Kang, etc. Mr. Frank Ning is the only member of the expert committee who is from a central government-owned enterprise.

It is learned that the expert committee will put forward suggestions and opinions on the “13th Five-Year” plan and provide consulting advice on the innovation and institution-building of the development plan. Its main functions include: provide consulting advice on major strategies, major plans, major reforms, major policies and major projects, etc.; organize and conduct researches on major issues concerning the overall situation of the economic and social development and provide consulting advice; expound and prove the “Basic Approach” to national economic and social development plan and put forward opinions in writing; expound and prove the “Outline (Draft)” of national economic and social development plan and put forward opinions in writing; provide consulting advice and plans for state-level key special planning, regional planning, and main functional area planning; put forward opinions and suggestions on the innovation and institution-building of the development plan; hold meetings at irregular intervals to study and discuss new situations or new issues that emerge in the process of formulating and implementing the development plan and provide advice on countermeasures.

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