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President Yu Xubo Met with Secretary General of The Global Foundation Steve Howard Release Time : 2015-10-26

On September 8, 2015, COFCO Group President Yu Xubo met with Steve Howard, secretary general of The Global Foundation (TGF) and his delegation at COFCO Fortune Plaza. The two sides exchanged information regarding the progress made after the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in June 2015.

According to Steve Howard, Australian companies have stayed in active contact with TGF in the hope of establishing trade links with COFCO since the signing of MOU; he noted that TGF will team up with COFCO to explore “global value chain” and develop agricultural projects of strategic importance. Yu Xubo expressed his hope that TGF can serve as a bridge of cooperation between COFCO and Australian companies so as to further promote bilateral trade.

COFCO vice president Ma Jianping and Handel Lee, partner of King & Wood Mallesons, also attended the meeting.

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