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Appointment of Chief Executive Officer at Nidera Release Time : 2016-06-03

Officially as of June 1, Mr Dierk Overheu was appointed CEO of Nidera B.V..He took over from Ton van der Laan who, as previously announced, would leave at the end of June.

Mr. Patrick Yu, CEO of COFCO, said "Dierk has been in ago-industry for more than 40 years. He brings extensive experience both in trading and management. Dierk is with a clear mandate to lead Nidera as a strong, focused and well-governed trading company with fast development, competitive trading strengthand risk-control system to deliver sustained growth".

Mr Dierk Overheu joined Nidera on 17 May 2016. Dierk has had an extensive international career within our industry over nearly forty years at Alfred C. Toepfer, where he moved from trading to Vice Chairman of the Board and executive member of many of the principal operating subsidiaries over this time.

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